What are the eligibility requirements for food assistance?
All residents of Jefferson County in need are eligible for food assistance from the Giving Cupboard. On your first visit to the pantry, you will be asked some general questions, such as name, address and family size, at registration. No ID or income verification is required to receive food from the Giving Cupboard.
However, clients may receive additional food items provided through the federal USDA TEFAP program. To receive these additional commodities at the Giving Cupboard, clients must qualify and be enrolled in this program. To do so, clients will be asked for information about themselves and household members, and will sign a TEFAP eligibility form.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Clients who are age 60 and older may also be able to receive an additional food box once per month through the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). Please ask our volunteers about how to apply.
How often can we get food?
The food pantry distributes food every Tuesday. It’s suggested that you come to the pantry once or twice a month. However, if you find your household is in need more often, you are welcome to come.
What are your hours?
The Giving Cupboard food pantry is open every Tuesday from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. We also have a mobile food pantry program. Follow us on Facebook to learn about any updates or special events.
Where are you located?
The Giving Cupboard food pantry is located at 153 N 3900 E, just outside Rigby city limits in Jefferson County, Idaho.
What does a “choice” food pantry mean?
Instead of providing every household with a pre-packed box of foods, recipients are empowered to choose foods that meet their household preferences as well as their dietary needs. The Choice food pantry model results in recipients being more satisfied with the foods they receive, as well as a reduction in food waste. Both these things are important to us. Whenever possible, a choice of fresh and frozen foods are available, as well as canned/boxed foods and non-food items.
How do I donate?
The Giving Cupboard is thankful for any and all donations. If you’d like to make a monetary donation to the food pantry, please send checks made payable to “The Giving Cupboard” to:
The Giving Cupboard
PO Box #671
Rigby ID 83442
or you can donate with Venmo @givingcupboard or on our Facebook page.
We also accept food donations by appointment, as well as during food drives and other events throughout the year.
How can I volunteer?
The Giving Cupboard is always looking for more volunteers. Please send an email to or join our volunteer Facebook group for more information.